lunes, 9 de junio de 2008

Euro2008 and something else...

Before continuing reading this post, you need to know that I’m a huge soccer fan. I love everything that came from that game. I play soccer every time that I can and when I can’t I enjoy watching soccer games from all over the world.

This edition of the European Cup is in Austria and Switzerland both countries share the organization of this important tournament. The opening of the tournament was a very simple one, I specially remember the opening of the World cup Japan-Korea 2002 I think that was the most technological and spectacular that I have ever seen.

Well, back in 2008, this “euro” has showed us till now a very disputed games as the Romania-France of today or the Czech Republic-Switzerland. But, also today, let me say that Holland “danced” Italy. The “Clockwork Orange” as is called, was a devasting machine for Italy. The Orange team defeated 3-0 in the widest result till now in the “euro”. Of course, that result also reminded me the AMAZING result that Venezuela got with Brazil on Friday. Even though was a “friendly match” both teams placed the main and stars players on the field. Somebody probably would say that Ronaldihno wasn’t there, and I will response that the actual condition of that player is poor, very poor. So, he was not going to make any difference. So, all Venezuelan could say for the very first time, that “La Vinotinto” (the Venezuelan National Soccer Team) defeat with a very good game to one of the greatest soccer team ever. So, cheers Red winers (some sore of translation to the original name) and lets keep our victorious path.